
The following are the guidelines contained in the Reinforcement Review in Civil Engineering Studies and Management :

Title should be brief and precisely describe the content of the article, maximum 15 words.

Abstract of 250-350 words is written in English. Abstract should provide brief description about the problem, method and results of the research. It should be typed in single spacing, Times New Roman 10 point. In addition, keywords need to be provided to highlight the research problem and key terms of the research. Abstract should end with a comment about the importance of the results or overall conclusion.

The manuscript should contain an article consisting of 1. Introduction, 2. Research Method (may include analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, and implementation), 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusion, 5. Acknowledgment (if any) and References. The introductions should consist of the following [2,3]: (1). Background of the study, (2). Brief literature review, (3). Reasons for conducting the study, and (4). Objective of the study.

This describes the preparation methods and characterization techniques used. Please explain briefly and precisely the size, volume, replication, and workmanship technique used. The new method should be described in detail to enable other researchers to reproduce the experiment. Meanwhile, established methods can be explained by quoting from references.

Research findings are presented based on a logical sequence to form a story. The contents show facts/data and do not discuss the results. Tables and Numbers can be used, but do not repeat the same data in figures, tables, and text. To further clarify the description, subtitles can be used. Discussion is a basic explanation, relationship, and generalization indicated by the results. The description answers the research question. In case there are doubtful results, they should be displayed objectively.

The main references are national and international journals and proceedings. All references must come from the most relevant, up-to-date sources and the minimum reference is 25. References are written in IEEE style.

Article Template

Submission Guidline