Studi Pola Pergerakan Mahasiswa Pada Kampus di Wilayah Denpasar Selatan
trip, production, campus, generationAbstract
The rapid growth of Denpasar City, particularly in the southern region which is also an educational hub, has led to a significant increase in the student population at various universities. Consequently, student mobility has surged, resulting in various problems such as traffic congestion, especially during peak hours around campuses. This study focuses on several campuses in South Denpasar to analyze student travel patterns and identify the factors influencing the number of trips generated. The results indicate that the equation describing trip generation and attraction in this area is Y = -1035.105 + 0.002 (X1) + 2.808 (X2) + 32.273 (X3) + 0.076 (X4), where -1035.105 is the constant, X1 is the campus/university area, X2 is the number of lecturers, X3 is the number of classrooms, and X4 is the number of students. The significant influencing factors are the coefficients of X2 (number of lecturers) and X4 (campus/university area). The analysis reveals that the number of lecturers and campus area have a significant impact on the number of trips. Further analysis shows that the coefficient of X1 (campus/university area) is 0.002, indicating that every 1 square meter increase in campus area will lead to a 0.002 increase in daily vehicle trips generated by students. In conclusion, the number of trips generated by a campus is influenced by several factors, namely the number of lecturers, the number of classrooms, and the campus area. These factors contribute differently to the total number of trips.
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