
  • José G. Vargas Hernández Instituto Tecnológico José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez, Unidad Académica Zapopan
  • Muhammad Mahboob Ali Constituent Institution of the University of Dhaka


Resilience; sustainability; urban land use.


Humanity is facing a series of important challenges, global warming being one the most important. Consequently, sustainability and resilience have become key elements in providing a better response to the crisis and in maintaining an equilibrium between ecology, economics and various social domains. The design and use of urban land should consider the inclusion of a multi-functional green infrastructure to obtain different benefits, from ecosystem services to value creation. Additionally, the urban land-use planning system contributes to economic growth, social development and environmental sustainability, while biodiversity is able to provide renewal and reorganization capacities for changes in social- ecosystems. All these elements bring forth a different paradigm for the future decisions of communities.


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How to Cite

Hernández, J. G. V., & Ali, M. M. . (2022). SUSTAINABILITY AND GREEN SOCIOECOSYSTEM RESILIENCE: A CONCEPTUAL VIEW. International Conference Faculty of Economics and Business, 1(1), 57-79. Retrieved from