Examining the social issues and challenges encountered by Bangladeshi foreign labors


  • Kharmeyni Jumbulingam MAHSA University
  • Hossam Fadel MAHSA University
  • H. M. Naseef Akbar Talukder MAHSA University
  • Ni Made Sumarningsih Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha




Bangladesh, foreign labor, International NGO’s, remittance, economy, social problems


This study focused on how the earnings of Bangladeshi foreign labor impacted the economic development of Bangladesh. The purpose of this research was to raise awareness of the problems faced by Bangladeshi laborers on short-term work visas in various foreign countries and to explore how society can address this significant social issue to eradicate the problems among the deprived poor people of the society. In this study, the researcher used a mixed approach of quantitative and qualitative methods. The main problem was the social challenges faced by Bangladeshi labor workers. This issue was important to address because it was necessary to advocate for the rights of the deprived people of Bangladesh. This study focused on the issues faced by Bangladeshi workers in foreign nations, such as Gulf countries and emerging Asian countries like Malaysia. Bangladeshi policymakers, economists, lawyers, and human rights activists found this study useful for their professions. This research employed a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative research.


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How to Cite

Jumbulingam K, Fadel H, Talukder HMNA, Sumarningsih NM. Examining the social issues and challenges encountered by Bangladeshi foreign labors. REVENUE [Internet]. 2024Apr.30 [cited 2024Oct.26];5(1):41-56. Available from: https://journal.undiknas.ac.id/index.php/revenue/article/view/5283


