Strategi Social Media Marketing: Model Endorsement Selebgram


  • Siti Patimah Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
  • A.A.N. Oka Suryadinatha Gorda Universitas Pendidikan Nasional



E-marketing, Endorsement, Selebgram



The purpose of this research is to find about the endorsement strategy by beautywarehouseid to increase the potential consumer and consumer confidence so that product sales can be increased.

This research used descriptive qualitative method. In order to obtain the data, the researcher conducted the observation on the instagram of beautywarehouseid and instagram of selebgram and as well as the researchers conducted interviews with informants who knew about the endorsement strategy.

The result of this research is social media instagram has been utilized well, beautywarehouseid uploading a good and eyecatching photo by using endorsement selebgram. Endorsement selebgram has been effective in attracting potential customers who are seen from the many followers owned by beautywarehouseid, it shows that the presence of attention, interest on advertising or products, and the desire for products that have been uploaded. Not all the selebgram have trustworthiness factor, in order to overcome the beautywarehouseid provide reliable products for the endorse so as to increase consumer confidence and also can increase sales.

Based on the results, it is advisable for online shop beautyhousehouseid to pay more attention to the attribute of trustworthiness by selebgram, do not need to use many selebgram with the same product and beautywarehouseid can try new instagram feature names instastory and analystics feature that able to convert post instagram into direct advertisement.


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How to Cite

Patimah, S., & Oka Suryadinatha Gorda, A. (2017). Strategi Social Media Marketing: Model Endorsement Selebgram. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, 14(2), 99-110.


