Penerapan Diversi Dalam Tindak Pidana Anak


  • Dewa Ayu Putri Sukadana Universitas Pendidikan Nasional


Application of Diversion, Child Diversion, Crime


This study aims to analyze the application of diversion in restorative justice in juvenile crimes. The type of research carried out is descriptive research with the type of normative legal research related to the application of diversion in restorative justice in the system of implementing diversion of children who are in conflict with the law in juvenile offences, which is the implementation of the system and restorative justice to provide justice and legal protection to children who experience legal issues without neglecting the criminal responsibility of the child. Diversion here is not a peaceful effort between children who have legal problems with victims or their families, but a form of punishment for children who have legal problems with non-formal means.



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How to Cite

Sukadana, D. A. P. (2022). Penerapan Diversi Dalam Tindak Pidana Anak . International Conference Towards Humanity Justice for Law Enforcement and Dispute Settlement, 1(1), 73-82. Retrieved from


