The Enforcement of Progressive Law: Optimizing Alternative Dispute Resolution as the Implementation of Pancasila Values
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Progressive Law, Values of PancasilaAbstract
Progressive law is a holistic legal idea. Progressive law views law as a series of rules and behavior. In practice, progressive law also mandates the implementation of alternative dispute resolutions. Alternative dispute resolution is expected to strengthen the value of the dispute so that it is more substantive and able to reconcile the parties. This study aims to explore the nature of progressive law enforcement and provide prescriptions related to progressive law enforcement that prioritizes Pancasila values, one of which is through the application of alternative dispute resolution. This research is normative legal research. Normative legal research seeks to place the law as part of society's norms based on values. The primary legal materials in this study are the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Law no. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power, and Law no. 30 of 2009 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Secondary legal materials include various research and studies on alternative dispute resolution and progressive law. The non-legal material in this research results from a study on the philosophy of Pancasila, especially those relevant to law enforcement practices. The approach in this study uses a conceptual approach and legislation. The study's results confirm that the essence of progressive law enforcement is that progressive law enforcement emphasizes the nature and character of the law that is constantly evolving, emphasizes humanitarian attitudes, dares to act out of the box, and always prioritizes spiritual in addition to philosophical considerations. Alternative dispute resolution as the implementation of progressive law and Pancasila values ??is needed to maintain community family values ??and strengthen the value of local wisdom in resolving disputes in the community.
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