Community Participation in Supporting The Development Of Future Generation Rights Principles Towards Sustainable International Environmental Law Enforcement
The role of the community, environmental law enforcement, the rights of future generationsAbstract
Human life will never be separated from the environment. Given the urgency of the environment that provides enormous benefits for the development of human life, it is also important to maintain the sustainability of the environment itself. Utilization of natural resources by humans must be done wisely so as to be able to maintain the sustainability of the environment. However, it is very unfortunate that what is happening to the environment in the world is one of the world's biggest obstacles. Often humans use natural resources provided by the environment in an unwise way, in the sense that humans are too greedy in utilizing natural resources obtained from the environment. This raises a lot of environmental disputes even in the international world related to the use of natural resources by humans themselves. The problem of protecting and managing environmental law that often occurs is not only the responsibility of the government in its enforcement, but the participation of the community also plays an important role. So that in this study the author raises the issue of how the participation of the community in supporting the development of the principle of the rights of future generations towards the enforcement of environmental law. environment, especially with regard to community participation related to sustainable environmental law enforcement. Then based on this it is very important to provide awareness to the public to take an active role in enforcing environmental law. In international instruments the rights of future generations are very much needed in the enforcement of environmental law because by prioritizing these rights, the community is obliged to play an active role in environmental protection and management towards sustainable development.
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