Food Sovereignty For Indonesia: The Epistemological Dimension of Knowledge and Variety of Local Food


  • Sugeng Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
  • Annisa Fitria Universitas Esa Unggul



Food Sovereignty, Epistemological Diversity, Legal Framework


This article aims to emphasize that food sovereignty policies require the support of knowledge that is not singular.  Epistemological diversity is believed to produce richer and more contextual knowledge of the needs of local communities.  In the process of formulating public policies, scientific knowledge needs to be paired with local knowledge developed through oral traditions. This approach is in accordance with the geographical conditions and natural resources of Indonesia, which has a rich biodiversity and diversity of foodstuffs in various regions.  Indonesia's ethnic diversity and biodiversity are advantages that need to be maintained for sustainable food sovereignty. This philosophical study is useful as a basis for compiling a more comprehensive food sovereignty legal framework.



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Media Online,

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How to Cite

Sugeng S, Fitria A. Food Sovereignty For Indonesia: The Epistemological Dimension of Knowledge and Variety of Local Food. JAH [Internet]. 2023Apr.25 [cited 2025Feb.26];6(1):18-32. Available from:

