Consequences of Misclassification in Data Categorization for Tourism Attraction Recommendation DSS Using ARAS


  • Gede Surya Mahendra Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
  • I Gede Hendrayana Institut Teknolologi dan Kesehatan Bali



Categorization, Tourism, DSS, ARAS


This research focuses on optimizing tourism attraction management in Bali using DSS and the ARAS method, emphasizing the importance of accurate data categorization. Bali’s tourism industry, faced significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the need for effective management strategies. This study addresses these challenges by utilizing the ARAS method to analyze and rank tourist attractions. The research methodology follows the CRISP-DM model. The study demonstrates that improper use of conversion scales for quantitative data can lead to inaccurate rankings, as seen when comparing converted and non-converted data rankings. Alter01, Alter03, and Alter02 occupy the top three ranks in the non-converted data, while Alter09, Alter06, and Alter15 rank highest in the converted data. These findings highlight the need to use precise numerical values for criteria whenever possible and to reserve conversion scales for qualitative data, to ensure accurate and reliable recommendations. ARAS has a simple and easy-to-understand computational procedure. However, the results from ARAS heavily depend on the weights assigned to the criteria. Inaccurate determination of these weights can lead to outcomes that do not reflect actual preferences. The research concludes that implementing more refined data categorization techniques can enhance tourism management, promoting sustainable growth and more informed decision-making.


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How to Cite

Mahendra GS, Hendrayana IG. Consequences of Misclassification in Data Categorization for Tourism Attraction Recommendation DSS Using ARAS. TIERS [Internet]. 2024Jun.25 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(1):52-64. Available from:


