Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024)
This issue features contributions from authors representing two different countries, including Indonesia and Afghanistan.
Revolutionizing Technology Education with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review
Design of an IoT-Based Automatic Weighing System for Catfish Farming to Support Smart Aquaculture
Mobile-Based Decision Support System for Recommending Tourism Attraction Using MAGIQ-ARAS Methodology
Development of an IoT-Enabled Automatic Poultry Feeder and Cage Temperature Monitoring System Using Microcontroller Technology
Evaluation of IT Governance in Indonesia's One-Door Investment and Integrated Services Institution using COBIT 5
The Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management: A Systematic Literature Review of Emerging Trends and Challenges
Forward Chaining Method for Diagnosing Diseases and Pests in Melon Plants
Decision Support System for Laptop Selection Recommendations Using the Weigted Product (WP) Method
Experimental Comparison of Encryption Algorithms On Smart Devices
Implementation of Android-Based Learning Media in ICT Subject for Grade VII at SMP Negeri 11 OKU