Implementasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Pengadaan Barang Logistik Farmasi
MIS, Decision Making, Procurement Pharmaceutical LogisticsAbstract
Hospital logistics management is one of the important aspects of hospitalization. Currently being a healthcare provider. Medical logistics management in hospitals that are in the planning, procurement, storage, distribution, deletion, evaluation and interconnection with each other, should be well coordinated so that each can function optimally. To help management performance required a system, prepare all activities in logistics management can be done well. Management information system (MIS) is one system that can be used in assisting the performance of logistics management. In the procurement of pharmaceutical logistics goods, management information systems can help provide information as a consideration in making purchasing decisions, such as planning using consumptive methods.
The research conducted in Badung Hospital has the purpose to know the implementation of management information system and to know what are the factors that hamper the implementation of management information system in the decision of procurement of logistic goods in Badung Hospital. This study uses descriptive qualitative research type using inductive approach by using data completion technique that is observation, interview and literature study. Test the validity of data using source triangulation techniques. The data analysis is done by data reduction, data presentation and data verification.
From the results of the study can be concluded that the Management Information System provides the necessary data as a consideration in taking the procurement of goods pharmaceutical logistics. Several factors inhibiting MIS implementation in Badung hospital associated with Inadequate Human Resources and Infrastructure.
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