
  • Yohanes Kornelius Ethelbert Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira
  • Muhammad Rizki Pratama Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira
  • Didimus Dedi Dhosa Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira



nono, ume, uf, atoin meto, public sector organizational culture


This article aims to explore the local wisdom of Atoin Meto and its relevance to the organizational culture of the local public sector. It is linked with the spirit of the indigenous public administration paradigm in the development of public administration system based on local wisdom. This reflects the failure of western public administration paradigm to respond to the demands of local culture. This research based on literature review and using descriptive qualitative method. The writers found three local values of Atoin Meto that can be used in developing public sector organizational culture. There are nono, ume and uf. These three concepts are generally used by Atoin Meto to describe the kinship system in a social group. In the concept of nono, ume and uf there are values, norms and rules that bind Atoin Meto in daily lives. Nono means clan, protector, binder, correcting wrongdoing and obey the prohibition. Ume means residence and a symbol of tribal honor. Uf means a nurturing leader. This article argues that the concepts of nono, ume and uf could give a space for public sector organizations in East Nusa Tenggara to develop organizational cultural values and norms based on local wisdom.


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How to Cite

Ethelbert YK, Pratama MR, Dhosa DD. TRADISI NONO, UME DAN UF ATOIN METO DI TIMOR DAN RELEVANSINYA TERHADAP BUDAYA ORGANISASI SEKTOR PUBLIK. JIDS [Internet]. 2022Aug.25 [cited 2025Feb.25];6(2):192-206. Available from:


