Persepsi, Pengaduan Publik, BLTAbstract
The purpose of this study was to find out how the public's perception of public complaints in the Direct Cash Assistance Program (BLT) during the covid-19 pandemic. Research related to BLT-DD was carried out in Wuring Village, Alok District, Sikka Regency, NTT, which became one of the BLT recipient areas. – DD with the majority of the people as fishermen, farmers and small traders. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with datastudy stated that the public complaint process refers to 3 (three) things, namely public communication, which is still one-way, especially in collecting data on the community receiving assistance, information related to the provisions of the beneficiary still does not touch the aspect of community understanding and has multiple interpretations. Second, the complaint process is a "luxury item". This stigma or thought, ultimately has implications for worry and confusion. Third, the complaint unit is not yet available at the government level, especially at the RT/RW level. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that BLT DD is still problem, especially in the data collection system and also the communication mechanism that has been built has not touched the aspect of public understanding.
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