
  • Alma Almira Universitas Indonesia
  • Mochamad Aviandy UI



Analisis Wacana Kritis, Difabel, Film, Ivan Tverdovsky, Budaya Rusia


Film as a medium of mass communication can consciously and unconsciously affect how people act and perceive certain matters. Ivan Tverdovsky, in 2014, directed a film titled ????? ????????? (Klass Korrektsii) which raised the issue of disability in Russia. This research aims to analyze the representation of the disabled people in this particular Russian film. This research applied a critical discourse analysis method by Norman Fairclough, which is supported by the representation theory by Stuart Hall. The critical discourse analysis method will be used to reveal the hidden meaning of the articulated dialogue among the characters in the film ????? ????????? (Klass Korrektsii), while Stuart Hall's representation theory will help to see the conditions outside the text specifically the way the society treat people with disabilities in Russia. The results point out that, despite of the laws protecting people with disabilities, discrimination against them still exists in Russia


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How to Cite

Almira A, Aviandy M. REPRESENTASI DIFABEL DI RUSIA DALAM FILM CORRECTIONS CLASS (KLASS KORREKTSII) KARYA IVAN TVERDOVSKY. JIDS [Internet]. 2022Mar.15 [cited 2025Mar.6];6(1):49-68. Available from:


