Masyarakat Jawa, Islam, Tradisi MegenganAbstract
Islam and Javanese culture are closely related. One form of acculturation of Javanese culture with Islam is reflected in the megengan tradition. The megengan tradition is a tradition of sending prayers together to welcome the holy month of Ramadan. The implementation of the megengan tradition is on the first night of the month of Ramadan. In general, the celebration of the megengan tradition is filled with salvation events by the surrounding community. The hallmark of the salvation event in the making of blessing rice and apem cakes by the community whose purpose is to be distributed to the surrounding community. The meaning of megengan for the community is as a symbol of apology to God Almighty. The goal is for humans to return to purity in entering the month of Ramadan. This research is a qualitative type. Using the theoretical concept of Herbert Mead, namely Symbiotic Interactionism. This study aims to determine and analyze the meaning symbol of the implementation of the megengan tradition in Kepet Village, Dagangan District. Data collection techniques using purposive. Data sources are divided into secondary data and primary data. Primary data comes from observation, interviews, and documentation. While the secondary data comes from the results of a literature review. The results of this study indicate that the megengan tradition in Kepet Village has symbolic meanings, among others, as the meaning of apologizing to others, the meaning of sharing with other people, and also as the meaning of spreading the Islamic religion in Kepet Village.
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