AI in Dermatology: A Systematic Review on Skin Cancer Detection


  • Safrian Andromeda Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Ni Luh Bella Dwijaksara Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang



AI, Dermatology, Detection, Skin Cancer


Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide and poses a significant public health challenge. Its visible nature often leads individuals to seek medical attention, highlighting the importance of early detection for better patient outcomes. In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shown promise in improving the detection and diagnosis of skin cancer, offering the potential to enhance clinical outcomes. A systematic review was conducted, involving a comprehensive literature search to identify studies focused on AI techniques in detecting, diagnosing, or treating skin cancer. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to assess the eligibility of scientific articles, resulting in the selection of nine relevant studies. These studies were analyzed to address predefined research questions about the effectiveness of AI in diagnosing skin cancer. The review found that AI-assisted clinicians achieved higher sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing skin cancer than those without assistance. Various AI algorithms demonstrated high sensitivity in detecting skin cancers, highlighting their potential to support primary care clinicians in evaluating suspicious lesions. The analysis also highlighted the effectiveness of smartphone applications designed for skin cancer risk assessment, which could facilitate self-examinations and enhance early detection rates. Despite these promising findings, the field of AI in skin cancer diagnosis is still in its early stages. Challenges remain, including developing robust algorithms, addressing data quality issues, and improving the interpretability of AI-generated results. Collaboration between AI developers and healthcare professionals is crucial to ensure these tools' clinical effectiveness and safety. The review emphasizes the need for continued validation of AI technologies and their integration into clinical practice to improve patient outcomes and alleviate the burden on healthcare systems.


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How to Cite

Andromeda S, Dwijaksara NLB. AI in Dermatology: A Systematic Review on Skin Cancer Detection. TIERS [Internet]. 2024Jun.25 [cited 2025Feb.22];5(1):41-5. Available from:


