Decision Support System For Selection of Prospective Members of BLM Polytechnic Caltex Riau Using The Weighted Product Method


  • Vandi Rahman Politeknik Caltex Riau
  • Dini Hidayatul Qudsi Politeknik Caltex Riau



Selection, Weighted Product (WP), DSS


The Caltex Riau Polytechnic pupil Legislative frame (BLM) is a pupil organization that includes out the capabilities of budgeting, regulation and supervision. the selection of prospective PCR BLM contributors is still conventional, such as selecting scholar documents one after the other which results in problems in organizing scholar documents. To help the manner of choosing BLM PCR members in figuring out the selected BLM PCR individuals, a choice-making gadget is wanted that may be used as an opportunity consideration between the selection outcomes acquired manually and the outcomes received from the gadget. in addition to being a device to help the pinnacle of BLM in making selections the usage of the Weighted Product approach. based totally at the effects of blackbox testing, it could be concluded that the BLM member selection system works in step with user needs. as well as the consequences of the usability testing, the test consequences obtained with a total percent of ninety two.35% (Strongly Agree). And the outcomes of checking out the accuracy of manual calculations with the system display that the accuracy stage is a hundred%. From the effects of this take a look at it became concluded that the gadget is acceptable to users in order that.


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How to Cite

Rahman V, Qudsi DH. Decision Support System For Selection of Prospective Members of BLM Polytechnic Caltex Riau Using The Weighted Product Method. TIERS [Internet]. 2023Jun.25 [cited 2025Jan.5];4(1):56-65. Available from:


