Predictive Modeling Classification of Post-Flood and Abrasion Effects With Deep Learning Approach
Deep Learning, Flood, Clasification, PredictiveAbstract
Floods and abrasion are the most common disasters in Indonesia. A lot of data is collected from post-flood and abrasion disasters. From the data released by BNPB, disaster data is directly based on the occurrence of disasters. From these data, we will test predictive modeling classification with a deep learning approach. Big data can be made through classification and predictive modeling. Our proposed model is a classification of predictive modeling of post-flood and abrasion data using the H2O deep learning approach. Deep learning H2O models can also be evaluated with specific model metrics, termination metrics, and performance charts. This approach is used to optimize the performance and accuracy of predictions during the modeling process using our dataset pool training. The big data to be processed will generate new knowledge for policies in decision making. Big data performance modeled with Deep Learning H2O is used to predict the Survival attributes of post-flood and abrasion sample datasets. The best metric performance is obtained from the maxout activation function with a 200-200 unit layer that gets an accuracy of 93.49% with AUC: 0.808 +/- 0.022 (micro average: 0.808).
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