Review in Civil Engineering Studies and Management2024-11-29T05:19:40+00:00Dewa Ayu Adhiya Garini Journal Systems<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>Reinforcement Review in Civil Engineering Studies and Management is a multidisciplinary journal which focuses on all aspects of Civil Engineering. Reinforcement is a peer-reviewed journal published four twice a year (April and November) that publishes reviewed articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Civil Engineering. The journal is devoted to the publication of high quality papers on theoretical and practical aspects of Civil Engineering and Planning. The aim of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on Civil Engineering and Planning advancements and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Theoretical papers, practice-oriented papers including case studies, state-of-the-art reviews are all welcomed and encouraged for the advance of science and engineering in Civil Engineering and Planning. All submissions must describe original research, currently under review or not published for another conference or journal.</p> <p>The journal publishes original papers within the broad field of Civil Engineering and Planning which include, but are not limited to, the following: Transportation Planning and Policy, Highway and Traffic Engineering, Hydrology, Coastal and Harbor Engineering, Construction Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Surveying and Geo-Spatial Engineering, Modern Construction Materials, Sustainable Development & Construction, Disaster Mitigation & Management, Earthquake Resistant Design Practices, Environmental Engineering & Management, Urban & Regional Planning.</p> </div> Analisis Struktur Batuan dan Evaluasi RQD: Potensi Longsoran di Ruas Jalan Goa Jepang, Jelapan, Bantul 2024-05-01T03:54:42+00:00Arie Noor (c) 2024 Reinforcement Review in Civil Engineering Studies and Management Prediksi Tingkat Kebisingan Pada Ruas Jalan Berdasarkan Volume Kendaraan dan Kecepatan di Bali2024-07-23T11:54:57+00:00Dani Ahmad Bahtiar BahtiarDaniiiahmad06@gmail.comPutu Ariawan Komang Alit Purusa<p>This study focuses on Jalan Kerobokan, one of the busiest thoroughfares in Denpasar City, as a case study. The presence of diverse land uses, including schools, offices, and commercial centers, has led to a significant increase in traffic volume on Jalan Kerobokan, consequently resulting in elevated noise levels. The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between traffic volume, speed, and noise levels on this road. A field survey was conducted to collect primary data, and multiple linear regression analysis was employed using SPSS software to model the relationship between these variables. The findings reveal that the highest traffic volume was recorded on Mondays, reaching 13,723 vehicles per hour. The average speed was measured at 31.09 km/h, while the noise level was found to be 84.755 dB(A). These results indicate that noise levels in the study area have exceeded the permissible limits. The mathematical model developed to represent the relationship between traffic volume, speed, and noise levels on Jalan Kerobokan is expressed as Y = 64.526 + 0.03X1 + 0.110X2 + 0.143X3 – 0.706X4, with an R-squared value of 0.244. This model suggests that traffic noise (Y) can be explained by the volume of motorcycles (X1), light vehicles (X2), heavy vehicles (X3), and traffic speed (X4).</p>2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Reinforcement Review in Civil Engineering Studies and Management Pola Pergerakan Mahasiswa Pada Kampus di Wilayah Denpasar Selatan2024-08-13T00:48:37+00:00kornelius septira kelvin olang olangkorneliusolang@gmail.comAnak Agung Bagus Rangga Pradnyadithaagungrangga619@gmail.comLeonard Stive Yanengga<p>The rapid growth of Denpasar City, particularly in the southern region which is also an educational hub, has led to a significant increase in the student population at various universities. Consequently, student mobility has surged, resulting in various problems such as traffic congestion, especially during peak hours around campuses. This study focuses on several campuses in South Denpasar to analyze student travel patterns and identify the factors influencing the number of trips generated. The results indicate that the equation describing trip generation and attraction in this area is Y = -1035.105 + 0.002 (X1) + 2.808 (X2) + 32.273 (X3) + 0.076 (X4), where -1035.105 is the constant, X1 is the campus/university area, X2 is the number of lecturers, X3 is the number of classrooms, and X4 is the number of students. The significant influencing factors are the coefficients of X2 (number of lecturers) and X4 (campus/university area). The analysis reveals that the number of lecturers and campus area have a significant impact on the number of trips. Further analysis shows that the coefficient of X1 (campus/university area) is 0.002, indicating that every 1 square meter increase in campus area will lead to a 0.002 increase in daily vehicle trips generated by students. In conclusion, the number of trips generated by a campus is influenced by several factors, namely the number of lecturers, the number of classrooms, and the campus area. These factors contribute differently to the total number of trips.</p>2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Reinforcement Review in Civil Engineering Studies and Management SWOT Efektivitas Beton Cast In Situ Pada Saluran Irigasi Jogging Track Desa Wisata Baha, Kecamatan Mengwi2024-05-10T03:49:21+00:00Suparmi Ni Ketutgekamik1990@gmail.comSagung Putri Gita Suari Samitra Anak AgungSagungputri350@gmail.comRestu Prasetyac I<p>Baha Tourism Village is one of the tourist destinations in Badung Regency, featuring a 6-kilometer jogging track. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using cast-in-situ concrete in rehabilitating the irrigation canal adjacent to the jogging track. A SWOT matrix analysis was employed. Based on the analysis, four sets of alternative strategies can be implemented for the rehabilitation of the Subak Lepud irrigation canal in Baha Tourism Village compared to precast U-ditch concrete. The SO (Strength-Opportunity) strategy reveals that the factor to be maintained to seize opportunities is the use of cast-in-situ concrete, which is more economical due to its long lifespan. Furthermore, the WO (Weakness-Opportunity) strategy involves using a time schedule where all construction plans, from formwork installation to concrete pouring, are incorporated to maximize time, cost, and quality. The ST (Strength-Threat) strategy indicates that there are numerous stakeholders involved in the canal project, while the WT (Weakness-Threat) strategy suggests that to minimize the failure of cast-in-situ concrete mixtures, supervision of materials, concrete mix quality, and occupational health and safety (OHS) must be optimized.</p>2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Reinforcement Review in Civil Engineering Studies and Management Dinamis dari Penggunaan Bracing X Dua Tingkat pada Gedung Bertingkat Dengan Analisis Time History 2024-11-15T01:27:12+00:00Wiryadi I Gede Gegiranang Ketut Diartama Kubon I Putu Agus Putra I Gede Eko Wiman<p>Penggunaan struktur elemen langsing masih banyak digunakan sehingga menyebabkan kekakuan struktur menjadi lebih kecil dan deformasi lateral akan menjadi besar. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan agar struktur menjadi lebih kaku adalah dengan menambahkan <em>bracing</em>. Penambahan <em>bracing </em>akan mengubah tingkat daktilitas struktur menjadi lebih baik dibandingkan tanpa adanya <em>bracing</em>. Penelitian ini mengamati perilaku dinamis struktur gedung dengan <em>bracing </em>terhadap gaya gempa metode <em>Time History</em> yang menggunakan rekaman gempa Sumatera Barat. Dengan menggunakan <em>software </em>SAP2000, hasil rasio simpangan struktur dengan <em>bracing</em> terhadap <em>open frame </em>untuk gedung berlantai 4 bervariasi dalam tiap lantai dengan rentang 36%-49% untuk arah X dan 39%-50% untuk arah Y. Untuk gedung berlantai 6, memiliki rentang 58%-77% untuk arah X dan 58%-82% untuk arah Y. Sedangkan gedung berlantai 8, memiliki rentang 66%-75% untuk arah X dan 65%-85% untuk arah Y. Gaya geser dasar yang didapat pada gedung 4 lantai dari struktur<em> open frame</em> (OF) arah X, OF arah Y, <em>bracing</em> arah X, dan <em>bracing</em> arah Y adalah sebesar, berturut-turut, 705 kN, 624 kN, 944 kN, dan 864 kN. Pada gedung 6 lantai, gaya geser dasar struktur OF arah X, OF arah Y, <em>bracing</em> arah X, dan <em>bracing</em> arah Y adalah sebesar, berturut-turut, 524 kN, 461 kN, 901 kN, dan 902 kN. Sedangkan pada gedung 8 lantai adalah, dengan urutan yang sama, 353 kN, 338 kN, 863 kN, dan 793 kN. Hasil menunjukkan penggunaan <em>bracing</em> X dua tingkat dapat meningkatkan kekuatan, kekakuan, dan kemampuan kolom dalam menahan gaya geser dan gaya aksial. Hal ini dilihat dari simpangan yang lebih kecil dan gaya geser dasar yang lebih besar terhadap struktur OF.</p>2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Reinforcement Review in Civil Engineering Studies and Management