Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Provision of Customer Service, Customer Satisfaction and Customer LoyaltyAbstract
The purpose of this study were 1) To analyze the effect of the level of quality of a product
to customer satisfaction New Kuta Green Park Pecatu Badung. 2) To analyze the effect of
prices of products to customer satisfaction New Kuta Green Park Pecatu Badung. 3) To
analyze the effect of the strategic location of the customer satisfaction New Kuta Green Park
Pecatu Badung. 4) To analyze the effect of attractiveness of sale to the customer satisfaction
New Kuta Green Park Pecatu Badung. 5) To analyze the effect of service quality on customer
satisfaction New Kuta Green Park Pecatu Badung. 6) To analyze the effect of the level of
customer satisfaction to customer loyalty New Kuta Green Park Pecatu Badung.
The study found that 1) The best model obtained after modification is held, by
correlating multiple error indicators that have modification index (MI) > 5,500. 2) structural
equation model modified otherwise good, because it has met the three criteria of eight cut of
value, namely criteria, Relative Chi-square, RMSA and TLI as well as three other criteria
classified as marginal, Probability, GFI, and CFI. 3) From a structural equation shows
Regression Weight (? ) seen there are five variables were significant positive effect, namely the
influence of Product (X1) to Customer Satisfaction (Y), the influence of Place (X3) against
Customer Satisfaction (Y), the influence Promotion (X4) to Customer Satisfaction (Y) and the
influence of Provision of Customer Service (X5) against Customer Satisfaction (Y), and the
effect of Customer Satisfaction (Y) of the Customer Loyalty (Z). There is no significant negative
effect Price (X2) against Customer Satisfaction (Y) 4) Influence on Customer Satisfaction (Y)
is equal to 85.6%, and the influence on Customer Loyalty of 63.0%.
Keyword : Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Provision of Customer Service, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty