COMMUSTY Journal of Communication Studies and Society <div style="text-align: justify;"> <p><strong>COMMUSTY Journal of Communication Studies and Society</strong> is published periodically twice a year, namely in May and November. The focus and scope of the Journal are communication Studies and Society including culture studies such as Representation Studies, Critical Theory, Identity Studies, Minority Studies, Gender, Feminist Theory, Reception Studies, Popular Culture, Film Studies, Subcultures, Ideology, Hegemony, Texts, and Readers. This journal also accepts the study of media such as media and journalism, the study of audio broadcasting as well as audio-visuals, public relations studies, and advertising studies. Moreover, this journal also publishes the study that related to other communication sciences such as the design of visual communication, marketing communication, health communication, communication psychology, and sociology of communication. Journal of Communication Studies and Society is published by Universitas Pendidikan Nasional.</p> </div> Universitas Pendidikan Nasional en-US COMMUSTY Journal of Communication Studies and Society 2962-1747 The Effect of TikTok Shop Feature Usage Intensity and Emotional Intelligence on Consumer Behavior Among Teenagers <p>Online shopping has become a common activity for fulfilling consumer needs. Currently, TikTok Shop is one of the e-commerce platforms widely used by teenagers for online shopping. This study aims to examine the intensity of TikTok Shop usage and its impact on consumer behavior among teenagers through the TikTok Shop application. It also investigates the influence of the TikTok Shop feature and emotional intelligence on consumer behavior, and how these factors collectively account for 46.6% of the variation in consumer behavior, which is categorized as moderate. The study uses the 5% Slovin formula for sample size determination. The findings indicate that the intensity of using the TikTok Shop feature and emotional intelligence have a positive effect on consumer behavior among teenagers. Specifically, greater use of the TikTok Shop feature is associated with higher emotional intelligence, which in turn encourages consumer behavior in teenagers. Multiple linear regression analysis reveals that the intensity of TikTok Shop usage significantly influences emotional intelligence, which positively affects consumer behavior among adolescents.</p> Intan Syaffira M Ravii Marwan Copyright (c) 2024 Intan Syaffira, M Ravii Marwan 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 3 2 45 50 10.38043/commusty.v3i2.5546 The Influence of Using Instagram @Infobnn_ri on Fulfilling BNN's Information Needs among Followers <p>Instagram social media is a platform that is widely used by the public and government agencies to interact, obtain information and share information widely and quickly using internet network technology. This is used by government agencies, the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, in conveying ideas, ideas, programs and strategies to the public in order to realize state goals and fulfill the information needs of the public in obtaining information related to the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia via the Instagram account @infobnn_ri. The research on this account aims to find out whether there is an "Effect of Using Instagram @infobnn_ri on Fulfilling the Information Needs of BNN Followers". The theory used in this research is the Uses and Gratification theory. This research uses quantitative methods with a positivism paradigm and uses a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The research results show that there is a significant influence between the use of social media Instagram @infobnn_ri and the information needs of followers</p> Sri Wahyuni Yohanes Arie Kuncoroyakti Noviawan Rasyid Ohorella Ni Luh Putu Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Wahyuni, Yohanes Arie Kuncoroyakti, Noviawan Rasyid Ohorella, Ni Luh Putu 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 3 2 51 56 10.38043/commusty.v3i2.5978 The Role of the Werkudara Double-Decker Tourist Bus in Strengthening the Tourism Identity of Solo City <p>This study analyzes the role of the Werkudara Double-Decker Tourist Bus in strengthening the tourism identity of Solo City using the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) theory. With its distinctive design reflecting local culture and educational narratives delivered by tour guides, the bus serves as a unique mode of tourist transportation in Solo. Through in-depth interviews with five respondents, including tourists, the study reveals that the bus’s visual and narrative stimuli positively impact tourists’ perceptions of Solo. The striking design and rich cultural storytelling enhance appreciation for the city’s history and local culture, thereby reinforcing Solo’s image as a cultural tourism destination. As a result, these stimuli elicit positive responses, such as increased interest in visiting other attractions in Solo and a willingness to recommend the city to others. Through its visual and narrative elements, the Werkudara Bus plays a significant role in strengthening Solo’s tourism identity</p> Ajeng Ayu Wulandari wulan Atef Fahrudin Copyright (c) 2024 Ajeng Ayu Wulandari wulan, Atef Fahrudin 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 3 2 57 61 10.38043/commusty.v3i2.5998